何隆薇,男,教授,博士生导师;全球Top 2%顶尖科学家(2024,爱思唯尔与美国斯坦福大学联合发布)。2015年获湖南大学化学专业博士学位,随后入职济南大学,历任讲师、副教授;2020年加入9728太阳集团,入选9728太阳集团高层次“青年优秀”人才,任特聘教授。儿科罕见病教育部重点实验室、湖南省血栓性疾病防治临床医学研究中心、湖南省普通高等学校影像精准诊疗与辐射防护重点实验室骨干成员。主要从事诊断/治疗型荧光分子探针、医药气体分子供体设计及生物医学应用的研究。主持国家自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金、国家重点实验室开放课题、河南师范大学化学学科开放课题、9728太阳集团高层次人才项目等。迄今在Chem. Soc. Rev.、Chem. Sci.、Anal. Chem.、J. Hazard. Mater.、Adv. Healthc. Mater.、ACS Sensor.、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、Sensor. Actuat.B. Chem.、Chem. Comm.、Analy. Chim. Acta、J. Mater. Chem. B等著名国际期刊上共发表50余篇论文,共被引用5000余次,H-Index 27,其中入选高被引论文4篇、一区论文30余篇;授权专利5项。
1. 诊断/治疗型荧光分子探针:主要进行疾病标志物的可视化检测、疾病发生发展机制、药物筛选,以及荧光成像指导的肿瘤手术导航/光动力疗法/声动力疗法/气体疗法等的研究。
2. 医药气体分子供体:主要进行心血管疾病、脑疾病、炎症、癌症等疾病的高效治疗研究。
Med. Gas Res.、Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol.、Chemosensors等期刊的编委/客座主编。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:编号21605059;新型单独及连续识别亚硝酰氢(HNO)/一氧化氮(NO)比率单荧光探针的设计、合成及生物成像应用研究;2017/01-2019/12。
2. 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目:编号2022JJ30484;构建高对比度近红外荧光探针用于精准肿瘤手术导航研究;2022/1-2024/12。
3. 山东省自然科学博士基金项目:编号ZR2016BB26;基于多信号模式荧光探针区分检测半胱氨酸/高半胱氨酸、谷胱甘肽和硫化氢及生物荧光成像研究;2016/11-2018/11。
4. 化学生物传感与计量学国家重点实验室(湖南大学)开放基金:编号2021013;构建高对比度近红外荧光探针及肿瘤手术导航研究;2022/4-2024/4。
5. 河南师范大学化学学科开放基金资助项目:编号: 2024Y13;脂滴相关细胞器互作荧光传感研究;2024/06-2025/12。
6. 9728太阳集团高层次人才启动项目:编号201RGC012;有机小分子荧光探针构建及肿瘤分子影像研究,2020/9-2025/9。
1)Minhui Liu, Jiayu Zeng, Wanting Zhang, Jia Lei, Songjiao Li, Jia Zhou*, Dan Cheng*,Longwei He*, Fabrication of a Near-Infrared-Emissive Probe for Detecting Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 in the Liver of Diabetic Mice and Clinical Serum,Analytical Chemistry,2024,96(29), 11890.
2)Jiayu Zeng, Minhui Liu, Ting Yang, Jia Huang, Songjiao Li, Wanting Zhang, Dan Cheng*,Longwei He*, Jia Zhou*, Two-dimensional design strategy to construct smart dual-responsive fluorescent probe for the precise tracking of ischemic stroke,Chinese Chemical Letters,2024, 110166.
3)Yuqing Xia, Qian Liu, Hongshuai Zhang, Xuefeng Yang,Longwei He*, Dan Cheng*, A tumor microenvironment-activated near-infrared photosensitizer enable efficient photodynamic therapy of breast tumor,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,2024,419, 136382.
4)Renfeng Jiang, Yuqing Xia, Qian Liu, Hongshuai Zhang*, Xuefeng Yang,Longwei He* and Dan Cheng*, Carboxylesterase-activated near-infrared fluorescence probe for highly sensitive imaging of liver tumors,Journal of Materials Chemistry B,2024,12, 1530-1537.
5) Rongbin Zhong, Renfeng Jiang, Jiayu Zeng, Xiangyang Gong, Xuefeng Yang,Longwei He,* Lin Yuan, and Dan Cheng,* Enhancing the Selectivity of Leucine Aminopeptidase Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probes for Assisting in Surgical Tumor Resection,Analytical Chemistry, 2023,95, 2428-2435.
6) Yiteng Ding, Rongbin Zhong, Renfeng Jiang, Xuefeng Yang,Longwei He,* Lin Yuan, and Dan Cheng,* Redox-Reversible Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probe for Imaging of Acute Kidney Oxidative Injury and Remedy,ACS Sensors,2023,8, 914−922.
7) Songjiao Li, Peipei Wang, Miantai Ye, Ke Yang, Dan Cheng, Zhiqiang Mao,* Longwei He,* Zhihong Liu,Cysteine-activatable near-infrared fluorescent probe for dual-channel tracking lipid droplets and mitochondria in epilepsy,Analytical Chemistry, 2023,95(11), 5133–5141.
8) Dan Wang, Li-Jie Zhang, Ming-Hui Liu, Fang-Fang Du, Ze-Ya Shen,Longwei He,* Li-Li Wang,* Aggregation enhanced FRET: A simple but efficient strategy for the ratiometric detection of uranyl ion,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2023,454, 131497.
9)Jiayu Zeng, Ting Yang, Minhui Liu, Songjiao Li, Dan Cheng,* Longwei He,* Lysosome-targeted fluorescence probe for discriminating cysteine from homocysteine/glutathione and assessing autophagy in drug-induced liver injury, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical,2023,396, 134616.
10)Renfeng Jiang, Hongshuai Zhang, Qian Liu, Xuefeng Yang,Longwei He,* Lin Yuan, and Dan Cheng*, De Novo Design of Near-Infrared Fluorescent Agents Activated by Peroxynitrite and Glutathione-Responsive Imaging for Diabetic Liver Disease, Advanced Healthcare Materials,2023, 2302466.
11)Yin Liu, Xinru Liu, Qian Liu, Donghong Li, Dan Cheng,* Longwei He,* Engineering a Highly Selective Leucine Aminopeptidase Near-Infrared Fluorescence Probe for Early Diagnosis of Diabetic Nephropathy, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical,2023,402, 135127.
12)Longwei He, Baoli Dong, Yong Liu and Weiying Lin*, Fluorescent chemosensors manipulated by dual/triple interplaying sensing mechanisms,Chemical Society Reviews,2016,45(23): 6449.
13) Longwei He, Xueling Yang, Xiuqi Kong,Weiying Lin*, A multi-signal fluorescent probe for simultaneously distinguishing and sequentially sensing cysteine/homocysteine, glutathione, and hydrogen sulfide in living cells, Chemical Science, 2017,8(9):6267.
14)Longwei He,Yunzhen Yang, Weiying lin*, Rational design of a rigid fluorophore−molecular rotor-based probe for high signal-to-background ratio detection of sulfur dioxide in viscous system,Analytical Chemistry,2019,91(23), 15220.
15)Longwei He, Qiuyan Xu, Yong Liu, Haipeng Wei, Yonghe Tang, Weiying Lin*, Coumarin-based Turn-On fluorescence probe for specific detection of glutathione over cysteine and homocysteine,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015,7(23): 12809.
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