1. 1995-1999,中国协和医科大学,细胞生物学,博士,导师:薛社普院士、刘德培院士
2. 1992-1995,厦门大学,海洋生物学,硕士,导师:许振祖教授
3. 1988-1992,西南师范大学,生物学,学士
1. 2017- 今, 9728太阳集团,特聘教授,博导
2. 2013-2017,西南交通大学材料科学与工程学院,教授,硕导
3. 2009-2012,美国杜克大学医学中心,高级分析师 (Senior Analyst)
4. 2001-2009,美国国立卫生研究院环境卫生科学研究所,博士后研究员 (Research Fellow)
5. 2000-2001,美国希望城国家医学中心,博士后研究员(Research Associate)
1. 科技部高端外国专家计划(2021)
2. 四川省千人计划特聘专家(2014)
3. 美国药学和实验治疗协会博士后科学家奖 (ASPET Molecular Pharmacology Postdoctoral Scientist Award, 2007)
4. Sigma Xi科学研究协会成员(Member ofSigma Xi Scientific Research Society, 2005)
1. C. Mo, L. Xiang,Y. Chen*,Advances in Injectable and Self-healing Polysaccharide Hydrogel Based on the SchiffBase Reaction,Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2021, 42: 2100025.
2.L. Xiang,Y. Shao,Y. Chen*, Mitochondrial dysfunction and mitochondrion-targeted therapeutics in liver diseases,Journal of Drug Targeting,Published online: 09 Apr 2021.
3. G. Zeng,Y. Chen*, Surface Modification of Black Phosphorus-Based Nanomaterials in Biomedical Applications: Strategies and Recent Advances,Acta Biomaterialia, 2020, 118: 1.
4. Zhou Y, Liu X, Huang N,Chen Y*, Magnesium ion leachables induce a conversion of contractile vascular smooth muscle cells to an inflammatory phenotype.J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 2019, 107 (4): 988-1001.
5.Chen Y,Choi S, Michelotti G, Chan I, Swiderska-Syn M, Karaca G, Xie G, Moylan C, Garibaldi F, Premont R, Suliman H, Piantadosi C, Diehl AM. Hedgehog Controls Hepatic Stellate Cell Fate by Regulating Metabolism.Gastroenterology, 2012, 143(5): 1-11.他引次数:249
6.Chen Y, Ferguson SS, Negish M, Goldstein JA. Induction of humanCYP2C9by rifampicin, hyperforin, and phenobarbital is mediated by the pregnane X receptor.J Pharmacol Exp Ther.2004, 308(2): 495-501.他引次数:341
7.Chen Y, Ferguson SS, Negishi M, Goldstein JA.Identification of constitutive androstane receptor and glucocorticoid receptor binding sites in theCYP2C19promoter.Mol Pharmacol.2003, 64(2): 316-24.他引次数:239
8.ChenY,Goldstein JA. The Transcriptional Regulation of HumanCYP2CGenes,Curr Drug Metab.2009,10(6): 567-78.他引次数:214
9.ChenY, KisslingG, Negishi M, Goldstein JA, The Nuclear Receptors Constitutive Androstane Receptor and Pregnane X Receptor Cross Talk with HNF4α to Synergistically Activate the HumanCYP2C9Promoter.J Pharmacol Exp Ther.2005, 314(3): 1125-33.他引次数:156
10. Wang X, Cheng J,Chen Y*, Camptothecin Delivered with the Retinol-Conjugated Nanomicelles Selectively Suppresses the Glycolysis of Hepatic Stellate Cells and Liver Fibrogenesis in Mice,Gastroenterology, 2017, 152(5): S1065–S1066.
11.Chen Y, Coulter S, Jetten AM, Goldstein JA.Identification of Human CYP2C8 as a Retinoid-Related Orphan Nuclear Receptor Target Gene.J Pharmacol Exp Ther.2009, 329(2): 192-201.
12. Rana R,Chen Y(共同一作),Ferguson SS, Kissling GE, Surapureddi S, Goldstein JA. Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha regulates rifampicin-mediated induction of cyp2c genes in primary cultures of human hepatocytes.Drug metabolism & disposition:the biological fate of chemicals, (2010), 38(4):591-9.
13.陈渝萍,程江,张艳军,汪辛. 叶酸特异性靶向活化态肝星状细胞的聚合物纳米载体及其药用用途。中国专利号:ZL 2016 1 0018293.5. 授权公告日:2018.09.21。
14.陈渝萍,周玥华,刘星. 一种改良的大鼠胸主动脉血管平滑肌细胞的分离制备方法。中国专利号:ZL 2016 1 0148223.1. 授权公告日:2019.06.07.
15.陈渝萍,汪辛,程江,张艳军.一种接枝视黄醇聚合物及其作为载体的喜树碱化合物。中国专利号:ZL 2016 1 1127645.7. 授权公告日:2019.08.20.
16.陈渝萍, 张辉,曾国栋,赵昌波, 一种药物载体、兼具pH响应性和 HSC靶向性的载药纳米球、其制备方法和应用, 中国专利号:2018.8.23,ZL 201810965789.2.授权公告日:2020.12.01.
17.科技部高端外国专家计划项目:“靶向肝癌纤维化微环境的新型抗肝癌药物的研究” (批准号G2021029011L),主持
18.国家自然科学基金面上项目:“应用纳米载体靶向性抑制肝脏星状细胞的糖酵解以治疗肝脏纤维化”(批准号 81371675),主持
19.国家自然科学基金重点项目:“时序功能性血管支架与植入周围环境的相互作用与调控 ”(批准号 81330031),主研
1. 肝星状细胞的细胞代谢及肝纤维化的分子病理。
2. 肝纤维化/肝癌的靶向性纳米药物体系。
3. P450及药物的肝脏代谢。
4. 血管支架与平滑肌等血管细胞之间的相互作用。